Who we are.
The Shuswap Association for Community Living has been providing services and supports to adults with diverse abilities and their families since 1963.
Our Mission.
Shuswap Association for Community Living creates opportunities and provides support to optimize the potential of individuals with diverse abilities in our community.
Our Vision.
We envision our community as a caring and supportive place where people with diverse abilities are valued and included.
Our Values
In a SACL consultation meeting Persons Supported, Families & Caregivers, CLBC, SACL Staff, Management & the Board of Directors all were petitioned to see what was important to them. The results of this consultation helped to develop the SACL Values;
Friendships & Relationships
Meaningful Activities
Life Long Learning
Having a Say
Being Safe & Healthy
A Welcoming Community
Honouring the Past & Embracing the Future
Board of Directors
The Shuswap Association for Community Living is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of caring community members with various backgrounds and skill-sets.
Board of Directors 2023/2024;
Rod Macfarlane – Chair
Bobbi Johnson – Vice Chair
JoAnne Pringle – Secretary/Treasurer
Grace Bootsma – Director
Sandi Walker – Director
Mike McCurrach – Director
To contact the Chair of the Board of Directors, please email [email protected]
Our History.
The Association has been providing services and support for people with intellectual disabilities and their families since 1963 and started as a school in the basement of a local church. In 1967, the Salmon Arm school board took over the education of children with intellectual disabilities, and the association then provided services to adults.
- On June 1st, 1974, the site at 4590 10th Avenue SW was purchased and named the Shuswap Sheltered Workshop.
- The wood shop was added in 1977, a paint shop in 1981, and a large storage area and an administration office was completed in 1989 with the generous support of the local Rotary Clubs.
- In 1990, the Sheltered Workshop increased services to provide life skills and job preparedness. In 1991, the Association officially changed its name to the Shuswap Association for Community Living (SACL).
- Since 2005, SACL has been offering one-to-one supports to Persons Served. Persons Served are supported to participate in leisure and recreational activities, employment, volunteerism or through outreach or residentially with a live in support person.
- In June of 2005, Shuswap Association for Community Living was granted a three-year accreditation from CARF (Commission for the Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities) in the identified service: Community Services – Community Integration.
- In 2006 SACL partnered with the Okanagan College Residential Construction Program, School District #83, the Salmon Arm Savings and Credit Union, and the Shuswap Construction and Industry Professionals to build a triplex at 520 5th Street SE. The triplex provides subsidized housing to individuals with intellectual disabilities.
- In the summer of 2007, SACL became the first regional host agency in the area.
- In October of 2007, SACL introduced the “Made to Order” Supported Employment Program.
- In 2008, the Association was awarded and additional three-year accreditation from CARF for the following services: Community Services – Community Integration, Respite Services and Supported
- Living, and Under Employment Services: Community Employment Service – Job Development, Job Supports and Job Site Training.
- In June of 2009, a second Employment Specialist position was added.
- In 2011 SACL was awarded another 3 year accreditation.
- The property at 4590 10th Avenue SW, was sold in July of 2012.
- In November of 2011, the Wood Shop was closed as part of the CLBC service restructuring.
- On September 29th, 2012, SACL held an asset liquidation auction of the items from the Wood Shop.
- The Environmental Solutions program ceased to operate as of February 28th, 2013.
- All SACL Services and Programs initiated amalgamation to a central downtown location at suite #103 & #301 371 Hudson Avenue NE in March of 2013.
- On June 1st, 2013, SACL held a “Ribbon Cutting” Open House to celebrate the move to the new location.
- On September 5th, 2013, SACL hosted the fundraising event “An Evening of Possibilities” with international singer-songwriter, Justin Hines.
- On June 11 – 13, 2014, SACL went through it’s 4th successful accreditation survey.
- In June 2014 a single family dwelling was purchased in central Salmon Arm and renovated to accommodate full-time Supported Living services for individuals we support.
- In September of 2014, SACL introduced a new Website at the Annual General Meeting.
- In October of 2014 SACL moved to a newer version of ShareVision (Client Management System).
- On October 31, 2014, SACL entered into the “Change It” fundraising initiative, enabling customers of select banking institutions to donate portions of their banking transactions to SACL.
- In Late 2014, SACL participated with CLBC in the “Include Me” survey to gather input from stakeholders to assess quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities & to address trends on a provincial level.
- In 2014/2015, the Shuswap Association Celebrated completing 50 years of service to the community.
- In early 2015, a new logo was designed, adopted, and introduced.
- In January of 2015, SACL upgraded the Client Management System to the ‘Nucleus’ system.
- In March, 2015, SACL partnered with Inclusion BC & Value Village to join a ‘Clothing Bin Donation’ fundraising initiative.
- In July of 2015, three SACL Clothing Bins were delivered and placed in the community (Askew’s Uptown, Askew’s Downtown, and ReMax Shuswap Realty).
- On August 28th, 2015, The Vancouver Foundation provided a $10,000 project development grant for the ‘Community Building Now’ This project will engage people with and without disability to work together collaboratively to research and identify common issues and concerns related to building better communities that creates action resulting in positive social change and ongoing influence in Salmon Arm and area that benefits the community collectively.
- On October 31, 2015, SACL held it’s first annual Halloween Costume Gala at Outlaw’s Saloon in Salmon Arm – over $2,000 was raised.
- On November1, 2015, SACL started providing Home Share Services to individuals.
- On April 2nd, 2016, SACL held a Spring clothing drive and BBQ.
- In April of 2016, 3 more clothing bins were ordered to be placed in our community (Gemm Diesel in the Salmon Arm Industrial Park, Askew’s Foods Armstrong, and Home Restaurant in Sorrento).
- On October 7, 2016, CLBC verified our qualification to provide staffed residential services (Group Home setting).
- In November of 2016, 2 additional clothing donation bins were placed in the community (Chase Chamber of Commerce, and Tappen Co-Operative).
- In December 2016, SACL acquired additional space in the same building as current services to expand the one-to-one community support services.
- On January 31, 2017, the Vancouver Foundation provided an additional $10,000 grant towards the Community Building Now.
- On March 9, 2017, SACL was awarded a contract to expand Community Employment Services to the Sicamous, Malakwa, Grinrod, and Enderby regions. Services commence April 1, 2017.
- From June 14-16, 2017, SACL participated in our 6th CARF Accreditation Survey.
- On July 18, 2017, SACL was awarded another successful 3-year accreditation.
- In June of 2018, 5 more clothing bins were placed in Chase, Canoe, Grinrod, Balmoral, and at the SACL offices in Downtown Salmon Arm.
- Between October and December of 2018, SACL participated in our second ‘Include Me’ survey.
- In early January of 2019, due to a tragic fatality in the lower mainland, the clothing bins were removed from the community.
- In February of 2019, SACL initiated MANDT Training for all Staff.
- A new Services Manager was hired to manage the Supported Living Service area.
- Nov. 2020 – SACL successfully completes our first CARF Virtual Survey.
- Feb. 2021 – SACL partners with CMHA and CLBC to provide outreach support to five persons living in the new CMHA housing. This partnership is a pilot project within the province of BC and will be used as a guide in other areas.
- Jul. 2022, Executive Director of fifteen years, Jo-Anne Crawford, retires. Director of Services, Karen Hansen, is promoted to Executive Director; the position of Human Resource Manager is created and filled internally.
All Persons Served have been referred by CLBC and are receiving services through Community Inclusion, Community Employment Services or Community Support Services.